Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hormonal overload

I enjoy a fun action movie. Sci-fi movies are awesome. Oscar worthy dramas are some of my favorites. But really...what sucks me in every time...the chick flick.

Just a few of my favorites are The Joy Luck Club, Dirty Dancing, You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle. I can watch these (and many others), over and over again.

I've been making a list of older movies that I want to see. On that list includes:

The Holiday
Music & Lyrics
The Way We Were
Fried Green Tomatoes

Yes, we're talking total girly-girl chick flicks.

So when a new trailer gets released on Apple, I get excited!

Here's some that I'm adding to my must see list.

LOVED the first one, can't wait to see the second.

*Ahem*...Colin Firth...nuff said.

The play was awesome and I have high hopes for the movie.
(Colin Firth just happens to be in this one too!)

I don't recognize many of the actors, but it looks promising.


Any other must see (new or older) chick flicks that you can recommend?

1 comment:

Anya said...

We have Amelie if you'd like to borrow it!