Thursday, April 25, 2013


The term is EVERYWHERE.

In case you're not familiar with Ombre, it means:


 adjective \ˈäm-ˌbrā\

Definition of OMBRÉ

: having colors or tones that shade into each other —used especially of fabrics in which the color is graduated from light to dark

You can have your hair ombre.

It's everywhere in fashion...

and home decor.

I like it! It's a very cool trend BUT up until today I had no idea how to pronounce it.  Several occasions have come up recently where I wanted to use the term but had no idea how to say it correctly.  So now I know! I can confidently use it in conversation and impress all of my friends. (ok, probably not).

Here are a few ombre project that have caught my eye on Pinterest lately:

The awesome crafty storage cart via IHeart Organizing

This pretty pendant lamp shade via Martha Stewart.

You don't see many of these anymore, but I love how they made this old radiator a work of art. (via

So am I the only one who didn't know how to say it? Any ombre project on the horizon for you?

1 comment:

ljc said...

Oh geeze. I was totally saying OM-BRAY, like in cowboy movies!

I recently discovered I was pronouncing empire as in an empire waist incorrectly.

Isn't there a website with sound recordings for this?